COVID-19 has disrupted normal operations in businesses and at home, drastically changing the way we use electricity. With re-opening efforts and second-wave concerns, it’s extremely difficult to forecast the electric demand. There are so many questions that need answers such as:
How much has electric demand and sales fallen?
Will demand rebound over the remainder of the summer when most systems peak?
Which parts of the U.S. are affected differently?
Where and how are electricity demands rebounding to pre-COVID-19 levels?
The U.S. peak demand for electricity dropped approximately 7.5% and was most noticeable in March when the stay-at-home orders first came into effect. Beginning in May, the use of electricity rose depending on the location.
While COVID-19 has made energy sales and peak demand more difficult to forecast, you can find a live dashboard generated by Utility Dive which shows the effects geographically and includes a chart showing the percent of change over time by clicking here.