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Is the Demand for Electricity Rebounding?

COVID-19 has disrupted normal operations in businesses and at home, drastically changing the way we use electricity. With re-opening efforts and second-wave concerns, it’s extremely difficult to forecast the electric demand. There are so many questions that need answers such as:

  • How much has electric demand and sales fallen?

  • Will demand rebound over the remainder of the summer when most systems peak?

  • Which parts of the U.S. are affected differently?

  • Where and how are electricity demands rebounding to pre-COVID-19 levels?

The U.S. peak demand for electricity dropped approximately 7.5% and was most noticeable in March when the stay-at-home orders first came into effect. Beginning in May, the use of electricity rose depending on the location.

While COVID-19 has made energy sales and peak demand more difficult to forecast, you can find a live dashboard generated by Utility Dive which shows the effects geographically and includes a chart showing the percent of change over time by clicking here.


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